For those of you who still think we have a democracy, hear ye, hear ye. The reign of King Donald has been formally ordained. His majesty has destroyed the guts of the national government by installing a menagerie of unqualified idiots to make the critical decisions in our lives. His attention to the petty is revealing. To show his power, he has assumed chairperson of the Kennedy Center, banned paper straws, re-named the Gulf of Mexico, threatened our NATO allies, suggested an invasion of Greenland and Panama, bribed the Mayor of New York by dropping criminal charges, and voided a traffic plan in the Big Apple aimed at reducing congestion. Now, ask yourself, should all these distractions be the top priorities for a president? His recent declaration that Ukraine started the war with Russia and the president of Ukraine is a dictator is an insult to our intelligence. It only shows how warped his mind is and how little he respects American citizens. When he reaches the point where he says “Up is down” and most voters agree—WE ARE SUNK. FYI–WE’RE ALMOST THERE. Only MAGAT’s (Make America Great Again Traitors) would swallow that tripe. We’re predicting that Trump’s remarks about Ukraine and Russia will cause a number of GOP Congressional members to wince. The question is: do they have the stones to put the welfare of the country ahead of allegiance to a childish wannabe-dictator? The numbers require only 3 or 4 members in each Chamber to show some guts at the right time. To those who elected Trump–we say “Are you finding it harder each day to defend a megalomaniac who is running the country into the ground?” Everyone with a pulse should answer in the affirmative.
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