Recently the 67th Grammy Awards show was tv’d. The song of the year was “Not Like Us” by Kendrick Lamar. Have you looked at the lyrics of that recording? The “F-word”, the “b-word”, “the S-word” and a derogatory term for black people–all are used repeatedly. This is the sound your 10 to 15 year old kids are listening to constantly. Does it concern you that these words are being ingrained in your kids vocabulary as if they are OK to use in conversation? We’ll admit to being from an older generation but some words are inappropriate/ They represent gutter talk and we would not allow our kids to use them in common discourse. We know they’ve heard the words but they need to understand that they are not OK to use. Our parents used to say “If you can’t say the word to me, don’t say it to anyone”. During the Super Bowl, we muted the rapper performance of his “hit” so we don’t know whether his language was audible over the hype noise. But–if it was–the network should be advised that viewers are outraged. Have we reached a point where the “most popular” recording is a hate/diss recording with filthy language? What’s next?


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