Elon Musk (aka Mr. co-president) has demanded that all Federal workers submit an E mail that lists five accomplishments during the last week. We were wondering if Trump got that E mail and how he would respond. We imagined he would boast about the following achievements:
- I increased and added to the announced tariffs on all products from several countries thereby assuring American consumers that they would have no choice but to pay more for cars, appliances, home improvements, clothes, seasonal farm produce, etc. Inflation–what’s that? (The wealthy can handle increases in costs and who really cares about the rest of the population–I have their votes in my back pocket.)
- I eliminated specific agencies including USAID that keeps thousands of third world country people alive and helps them to maintain reasonable health status. This “savings” also impacts a number of US organizations that help the less fortunate in America. (I’m not interested in wasting money on people who can’t help me or my company.)
- I hired and forced Senate confirmation of several unqualified candidates for Cabinet positions. The guys are all high profile mega-donors who are thrilled that their wealth has gotten them recognition and they’ll remember the GOP with contributions when the next elections rolls around. The bimbos, I mean, the Hollywood tape type women I appointed will keep me entertained as I watch them strut their stuff in the halls of the White House. I’m not concerned about their performance because I can always replace them on a whim if they displease me in any way.
- I directed the deportation of unaccompanied immigrant children who may/may not have been in the country illegally. We are not going to worry about the pesky birthright exemption in the obsolete US Constitution because I’ll tell the US Supreme Court how I want them to decide the issue. I really don’t expect any Dems to push that issue because we all know the Supreme Court is in my pocket.
- I took unfair advantage of President Zelensky of Ukraine. We now get access to rare earth minerals without committing to offering security for the Ukrainian people. He’s so desperate that he’ll do whatever it takes to get even some war materials support from us. After we get the deal I plan to allow Putin to overrun the Ukraine because Putin and I have a side deal that says I allow Russia free range in exchange for access to the minerals. (Secretly I’m concerned that Putin will renege on my deal because he’s as unscrupulous as I am and I know I’d steal him blind if I got the chance. I guess there really is “no honor among thieves”.)
Depending on who Musk has set up to review these roughly one million E mail responses that have already been sent in, Trump will probably pass the continued employment test. He will never pass the “smell test” and he may want to double his Secret Service detail immediately. He’s making thousands of enemies daily and most of them are armed. We suggest you watch the dynamic duo as they charge down folly lane. And we predict that two gigantic egos cannot co-exist over an extended period of time. Eventually Trump will want to dump Elon who will probably excuse himself by saying that he needs to re-focus on his company and will act only as an occasional advisor to the Oval Office. As the stomach turns…
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