Some general comments about the pettiness of our “leader”…
- Pardoning the Jan 6 criminals should have been opposed by every American–even those of the GOP in Congress–but it wasn’t. Already two of the convicts have been arrested for serious crimes. Can the Republican Party continue to call itself “the Party of Law and Order”? Should the Dems catalog all the crimes committed by those thugs so that Trump can be charged as an “accessory after the fact” when he leaves office?
- Offering 2 million Federal employees a buy-out is another bad idea. The employees who are most skilled in their profession (computers, management, security, defense systems, etc.) are the most likely to jump ship. That would mean hundreds of essential people gone–taking with them thousands of years of irreplaceable experience. And if other non-essential people leave in large numbers, who’s going to do their work? Trump needs to realize that this isn’t a cattle call where one person is the same as all the others. Saving money by eliminating a computer expert who is familiar with tax systems may cost a million times that saved salary amount.
- Trump is looking for a way to dump Fed Chairman Powell. Powell is not lowering interest rates as he was told to do. The Trump empire relishes low borrowing rates and he wants that reduction regardless of what it might do to the economy. Watch for it.
- One of the antics of a dictator is to destroy any existing Constitutional restraints by forcing the move and seeing if it gets done. Such is the birthright citizen rule in the 14th Amendment. Running roughshod over established rules is a test to see how much clout he really has. There has been some blowback at the court level but Trump knows his Supreme Court will back him whatever he wants to do. Isn’t it hard to believe that America has reached another bottom of the barrel level where the highest court in the land sucks up to the corrupt president by ignoring the US Constitution?
- We suggest you google “Hell’s Cartel”. It tells the story of how Hitler financed his rise to power on the funding of various companies whose self-interest superseded public good. You’ll notice the billionaire club around Trump and realize another Hitler parallel. The Putin oligarch support is his modern model.
- So Trump wants to eliminate the Department of Education. How many years have you heard wise people say that the future of America is in the education of its kids? Maybe Trump and the GOP don’t want kids who ask questions, understand freedoms or know their rights. As Karl Marx said “The masses are asses and we must lead them”. It’s a lot easier to lead sheep.
- And now Trump has ordained himself “Chairman of the Kennedy Center”. Can you imagine how that might play out? What if honorees include Putin, Un, Orban, and other individuals that Trump wants to impress? Will he use it to showcase rising GOP hopefuls? Isn’t it ironic that an institution named for a Dem President is now about to be desecrated by a convicted felon?
- Trump–through his blond, leggy Attorney General–is going after members of the FBI, CIA, Special Prosecutors Office (Jack Smith) and others. Anyone who refuses to kiss the ring will be out and anyone who sucks up will be required to take an oath of personal service to Trump–just like Hitler did with his generals. The military will suffer the same indignities and be forced to act on the whim of a childish brat who seeks revenge. Scary–isn’t it?
- Watch Trump and Gaza. We think he told Netanyahu that he would delay aid to Israel unless Benjamin N. found a way to deliver prime waterfront property to Trump’s control. Remember, the threat to Ukraine about delaying $400 million in foreign aid and the impeachment trial that ensued. Only the GOP stopped a conviction. But now–Trump salivates over all that beachfront exposure and he knows how much Netanyahu needs our support. Stay tuned.
- Last–but not least–is the shameful display of gutlessness on the part of the GOP senators who know Trump’s choices for key roles are ridiculous but are afraid to speak up. Trump’s menagerie includes drunks, wife abusers, hate-mongers, Hollywood tape types–all of whom are unqualified and unable to “make America great again”. When you know what hits the fan in these areas his selections will buckle and we’ll all pay for the failures he picked.
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