We are a bigoted country. Not all of us are guilty but enough of us are guilty to elect a fraud, convicted felon, failed businessman, sexual abuser and multiple adulterer as president. That says a lot–maybe too much–about us. Consider the following:

  • Despite being on the majority side on EVERY NATIONAL ISSUE, Kamala Harris, a black woman, could not defeat a proven liar who has all the trappings of incompetence and a record of befriending dictators. Ms. Harris is an accomplished lawyer with many years of political experience and not a blemish on her record. Yet the majority of white men and even a fair number of white women voted against her and for him. His Hollywood access tape, his adultery, his lies, stealing docs, watching the Capitol be sacked by an armed mob for187 minutes–none of that mattered…because those white folks could not bring themselves to vote for a black woman. Shame on us.
  • Another set of examples: Andy Beshear, the Democratic Governor of Kentucky, beat Daniel Cameron who had been Kentucky’s Attorney General in two years ago despite 65% of the vote in Kentucky going to the GOP. The voters of Kentucky could not vote for a black man even though he was a Republican. In North Carolina, Mark Robinson, a black man, was defeated by Democrat Roy Cooper for Governor last year. More that half the voters are GOPers and the Republicans actually held a super majority in the North Carolina legislature until 2024. The voters there could not cross over to support a black man–even a Republican black man.
  • Your blog editor fences with commenters on various social platforms and the criticism of Joe Biden always comes back to age. No one could prove any criminal activity even when they tried to tie him to Hunter Biden. When people shouted down Joe they always rested their complaint on age. Yes, Joe was too old to run for re-election. But he tried valiantly to steer Congress into action and even agreed with the GOP on an Immigration “fix” until they withdrew their own proposal. Whatever Joe didn’t accomplish wasn’t for lack of trying. He tried to give women rights to protect their health. He tried to solve climate change. He tried to change gun law access. He tried to guarantee equality for all. He tried to forgive student debt to spur the economy with more disposable income to the next generation. He was buffeted at every turn either by the GOP, the Supreme Court or one of Trump’s appointed Federal judges. So don’t be too harsh with Biden gripes. Watch what happens in the next four years. Like the man said “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!!”

You can’t solve a problem until you recognize it. And this country will be dominated for at least the next four years by blind “leaders” who don’t even know there is a problem.


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