These are the latest propaganda-based headlines.
- HIGHER SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS COMING FOR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE FROM BILL BIDEN IS SIGNING – The headline suggests that Biden is inappropriately giving away money from a seriously underfunded SSA system. This is not true. When an individual works for companies that pay into SSA they earn a Social Security benefit when they retire. When that same individual works for an organization that does not pay into SSA they also earn a pension. In the past, SSA EARNED BENEFITS were reduced if the individual worked less than 30 years in the SSA-job. This has always been patently unfair because the individual actually earned under both systems. The Biden change simply rights the long-standing wrong that deprived individuals of their full combined pensions.
- COLUMBUS (OHIO) HOMICIDES FELL BY 17% IN 2024; MAYOR SAYS “I THINK THAT CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES THE POLICE ARE DOING AN OUTSTANDING JOB”.- Is there a timing issue here? Police do not get involved in a homicide until someone is murdered. So how does the Mayor credit the police for work REDUCING HOMICIDES if they don’t know about the homicides until after they happen? Are Columbus, Ohio cops psychic? Or is the Mayor nuts? Whoops! He’s a Republican.
- COACHES TO BLAME FOR BENGALS WASTED SEASON- Harry Truman, former US President and a very honest man, said “the buck stops here”. So, ask yourself “who hired these coaches?” “who let them screw up over the years?” and “who could have acted to replace them with better personnel?” Mike Brown and his daughter run the team. They should be the people named in this headline.
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