Kroger has just agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by the State of Kentucky over the “unlawful” dispensation of opioids. We can’t explain it except to say that Kentucky claims that Kroger–by not monitoring MD prescriptions for opioids–was culpable for the spread of illegal drugs in the state. This is a travesty on so many levels. First, Kroger filled prescriptions as directed by docs licensed by the Kentucky State Medical Board. How were Kroger pharmacy personnel supposed to deny what appeared to be legitimate needs for customers/patients? Second, how could Kroger employees have stopped the distribution without being held accountable to their supervisors, the State, Medical Boards and the drug maker? Third, does this mean that retail establishments are liable if they sell products that cause harm? That has all kinds of implications. Fourth, what does Kroger do now to change its dispensation practices so it doesn’t get sued again? Fifth, why aren’t gun sellers held liable for guns they sell that are used in crimes? This entire case wreaks of coverup. Government agencies have failed miserably in the war against drugs. And to throw the blame on Kroger as a scapegoat is shameful.


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