As we end another year it seems appropriate to reflect on the sore subject of guns and gun violence. For your consideration:

(1) 43 pieces of gun law restrictions have been introduced into Congress but only one part of one bill was passed since 2012;

(2) 2022 (as of 12/16) has been the deadliest year ever for gun violence in the form of mass shootings. So far in 2022, there have been 36 events resulting in 186 deaths.

(3) Gun lobbyists spent nearly $19 million in 2021 in Washington to preserve their status. Note that a year later we’re seeing the fruits of NRA and other lobbyists efforts;

(4) Since 2012 America has mourned 276 mass shootings leaving 1,526 dead. The recent 10 year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Connecticut school massacre is an in-your-face reminder of our failures.

The GOP — notorious for taking NRA campaign funds — insists that more mental health resources are needed–not more gun laws. It is a Second Amendment right–they say. But keep in mind that the same document that contains the Second Amendment also REQUIRES that all legal debts be repaid in GOLD. Out point: the document should not/cannot be taken literally as the basis for protecting current gun ownership and usage rules. Let’s hope for a better 2023.


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