Recent news stories have subtly lead us to a startling conclusion. Many Americans no longer act based on facts or expert opinion. Trump lost the election in 2020; a sizeable portion of voters think he won. Masks are an effective deterrent to the spread of COVID according to experts but a large number of people oppose them despite the possibility of death—even to their own kids. Vaccines are now fully approved by the FDA, the CDC and the World Health Organization. Over 200 million Americans have safely protected themselves from COVID and yet many of us dispute their value. There is an old joke that says: “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”. The times we live in prove the point that–regardless of the evidence or irrefutable expert advice–many of us would rather avoid life-saving measures. What does it say about a world that prefers its own attitude despite overwhelming evidence that contradicts our opinion? Imagine Republican parents in Florida supporting a Governor who crusades against life-saving measures thereby putting the voters unvaccinated kids in danger of death? They’re not following Trump–he was vaccinated and they’re not following Fauci…where do they get their basis for risking the growing contagion calamity? If facts and experts are not reality–what is and why do some politicians take that dangerous road? is it only to further the Republican Party regardless of the collateral damage it does to us and our children?
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